New COVID-19 Safety Protocols
Changes In Office Protocols
When you arrive please use hand sanitizer located at front desk. Arrive with a face mask. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you.
We will take everyone’s temperature upon arrival. If a patient has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, they will be dismissed. Do not come to the office if you are sick.
Do not come to the office if you or someone in your household has COVID-19.
Observe social distancing while in the office.
If you arrive with another person who is not scheduled for treatment, we request that the other person wait in the car. Exceptions will be made for guardians of young children or the elderly.
We will “stagger” patient appointments in order to prevent crowding in the waiting room and around the front desk.
At Bridle Trails we may have patients exit through the hallway front door to the west of the reception room door. At Spring District, we may have patients exit through the back door to the north of the entrance door. This will help social distancing in the front desk areas and waiting rooms.
For the time being if you wish to watch TV, please bring your own earphones. The ones we have are difficult to adequately disinfect. We have purchased disposable earphones, but they have yet to arrive.
We have installed sneeze guards in our front desk stations. This will help protect patients and staff.
We have completely cleaned and disinfected the offices. We do this routinely.
We will disinfect common area surfaces every 10 to 15 minutes or more frequently. These items include: Doorknobs, door handles, countertops, seating, toilets, sinks, faucets, pens, clipboards, etc.
Our entire staff has adequate PPP which include: NK95 face masks, face shields, hair nets
uniforms, etc. We launder our uniforms in the office in “sanitize” mode with disinfectant.
If you wish to read at our offices, please bring your own book, magazine or device. Our normal reading material such as magazines and books cannot be disinfected and have therefore been removed.
We look forward to seeing all of you again and taking care of your dental needs! Please call for an appointment.
Bridle Trail Family Dentistry: 425-881-9333
Spring District Family Dentistry: 425-454-4298
In the meantime, stay healthy and happy!